terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Forming Gerunds

Gerunds are nouns formed from verbs: walking, talking, thinking, listening
Gerunds are formed by adding ING to verbs: think + ing thinking

However, there are a few spelling rules that you need to know in order to form gerunds correctly. The spelling of a gerund depends on the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and consonants (b, c, d etc.) at the end of the verb:

If there is more than one consonant, just add ING:
think + ing - thinking

If there is more than one vowel, just add ING:
beat + ing - beating

If there is one vowel and one consonant, and the syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add ING:
hit + t + ing - hitting

If there are one or more consonants and E, remove the E and add ING:
take + ing - taking

In most other cases, just add ING:
study + ing - studying
see + ing - seeing

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